Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Moments of December...


Well, this month, honestly will be a great month for me to hang out with my Darling. Hehe~

I mean, we hardly can even spend time together even though we are classmates~ Great.

So, after he had suffered from dehydration... Sigh.... pity my Darling, and recovered quite fast from what I expected, on 23rd that day, we went out together with my sister as well.

To, Time Square~ ^^

Me, spent almost an hour to put make-up on my eyes~~ XP

Oh yea~ 1 thing I was so happy about was that, I FINALLY bought myself a pair of ankle boots~~ LOL~ actually, Darling always think that boots may look good in me coz I'm quite tall enough, and, boots are hard to find BEFORE winter sales or other time. This time, I went to Elements, Darling wanted to buy me a blouse, ok~~ coz he has his opinion about how I wear and dress and look of coz. This time, he chose for me a white blouse, I like it~ And at the same time, I found a pair of these boots there, ankle boots, and I tried it on.

Perfect~ totally flattering~ I really love them and decided to BUY them~ coz, they had discounted to become RM35.++~ Definitely buy them~~ XP

front view:

back view:


Then dinner, haha~ as always, we went to Sushi King for dinner~ Darling loves sushi~ XP

Deng deng~~ <3


Sunday, December 13, 2009

GOSH... @@

It's already December...

sorry that I seldom come and update my blog... XP been busy...

November... happened a lot of things... hanging out with friends, assignments, shopping...

The latest: my class exhibition

My artwork~

Siao Design, and my lecturer~ ^^

Act cool~

Dinner at Red Potato: we were the noisiest there.... XP

Days with 38Gang~~~

Ah Bai's b'day at Look-up Point, Gasoline~
(PS: the service there is really sucks~~~~ >.<)

Sing k at GreenBox, Sg Wang: home sweet home to Yi Lee and Siaw Wei~~

NOVEMBER's Wedding dinner~~~ at Sunway Hotel

After the dinner and before we headed back to the carpark~

BABY November, with my college friends~
Dinner at Fullhouse, Jln Yap Kwan Seng, KL
Totally fall in love with its decoration and interior design~~ started to love white~ and the style, Victorian style, Hwi Yee loves it too~ hehe, I like it very much~ ^^

I just wanna say.........

I'M IN HOLIDAY NOW~~~~~ YES!!! ^^ Yoohooooooo~~~